Theme parks and crowd handling may never be the same after the Covid-19 period

Press Release – Source The Experience Ticket – Unlimited Leisure

The Covid-19 epidemic makes us humans look differently at other humans. We keep our distance as the other person might be contagious. We are more suspicious of others. How will this affect our feelings and behavior after this Covid-19 is gone?

There are two theories: We might get over it and continue our lives as we did before, or, as many scientists predict, we may change our behavior and become more cautious about infections. In case we become more cautious, how will this affect the Theme Park business? Theme parks are known as crowded places, where people are often packed, with queue lines being the most intense form of this.

Do guests really want to stay in queue lines after Covid-19? Or will they be reluctant to do so and prefer to go to Theme parks without queue lines? Research has shown that waiting in queues already was the no. 1 guest complaint and until now somehow the parks could get away with it as a kind of fact of life. But now there is a much more pressing health and hygienic awareness that can make crowded queues simply no longer socially acceptable. Also just imagine what a social distancing of 1,5 meters / 6 feet between people would mean for the required queueing length and space.

The Theme park world is used to queue lines and it is even part of their business plans. But maybe this is the time to step away from traditional models and investigate alternative business plans. What if one can manage to run a Theme park without queue lines? Does this negatively influence the daily capacity?

The Experience Ticket has studied this question for many years already and has the answers to almost all questions for running Theme parks without queue lines. It looked into the capacity, it available to run Theme parks without queue lines.

The good news is that operating without queue lines is possible, keeping the capacity and improving park business models. Just a question: Have you ever thought about your F&B and merchandising turnover if guests get more time by not having to stand in queue lines anymore? And all the positive publicity and benefits of a guest friendly queue free experience? The experts at the Experience Ticket have the answers.

Global office: Unlimited Leisure
Nieuwe Gracht 11A, 2011 NB Haarlem, Netherlands +31 204714640

Scandinavian office: The Experience Aps
Bisp Pedersvej 8, DK-2830 Virum, Denmark, phone: +45 2948 5968
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Complete plan van aanpak

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  • Dagvoorzitter- Spreker – Pannellid – Commissariaat RVC

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